AC/DC MEN PERFORMANCE ACDC DRI-FIT T-Shirt DRY FIT TRAINING WORKOUT TEE RUNNING RUNNER ACDC CREW NECK (round neckline) BLACK DRI-FIT DRY FIT BLACK T-SHIRT UNIQUE RED AC/DC LOGO NOTE: Dri-FIT technology is an innovative polyester fabric designed to help keep you dry so you can more comfortably work harder, longer. Dri-FIT's unique high-performance microfiber construction supports the body’s natural cooling system by wicking away sweat and dispersing it across the fabric's surface to evaporate faster. Dri-FIT clothes are most effective as a base layer or on their own—direct contact with your body means you stay dryer. And Dri-FIT's sweat-managing properties are permanent for the life of the clothing. So go ahead—sweat. ESPAÑOL: El sistema Dry-Fit, también Dri-Fit transporta la humedad a la superficie de la prenda para facilitar su evaporación.1 Comúnmente se utilizan materiales como el poliéster o microfibras de materiales sintéticos, ya que no absorben líquidos.